
I'm trying to get into the Clojure community. I've been working a lot with Python, and one of the features I make extensive use of is the zip() method, for iterating over pairs of values. Is there a (clever and short) way of achieving the same in Clojure?

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Another way is to simply use map together with some function that collects its arguments in a sequence, like this:

user=> (map vector '(1 2 3) "abc")
([1 \a] [2 \b] [3 \c])


(zipmap [:a :b :c] (range 3))
-> {:c 2, :b 1, :a 0}

Iterating over maps happens pairwise, e.g. like this:

(doseq [[k v] (zipmap [:a :b :c] (range 3))]
  (printf "key: %s, value: %s\n" k v))


key: :c, value: 2
key: :b, value: 1
key: :a, value: 0

The question has been answered, but there's still interleave, which also handles an arbitrary number of sequences, but does not group the resulting sequence into tuples (but you can use partition for that).

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