
I have a "friendpicker" on my app to send an apprequest. It features an option "Select All", so.. when I try to invite 560 friends it doesen't work. Their user ID's don't even fit in the URL.

So, is there any fixed limit for this feature?

I couldn't find any reference to it in the documentation (

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Solution 3

In I found the following information regarding the to parameter:

If not (set), the sender will see a multi-friend selector and will be able to select a maximum of 50 recipients.

So, I did a test populating to with 51 and 50 friends. The first gave an explicit error (too much friends) and the second actually passed.


The limit is 50 friends.


Facebook limit is 50, Internet Explorer limitation only supports up to 25 requests at one time

A user ID or username, or a comma-separated list of them. These may or may not be a friend of the sender. If this is specified by the app, the sender will not have a choice of recipients. If not, the sender will see a multi-friend selector and will be able to select a maximum of 50 recipients. (Due to URL length restrictions, the maximum number of recipients is 25 in IE7/IE8 when using a non-iframe dialog.)

To simplify the process trigger the process of suggesting the invite right after page load, and don't fill in the "to"... this will open up a facebook dialog that allows facebook to handle the ui and processing of the request.

Example shown below

<script src=""> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        appId:'<? echo $appID; ?>', cookie:true, 
        status:true, xfbml:true 
    function send_invitation(){
            method: 'apprequests', 
            message: 'ReeMatch analyzes your resume to find you jobs and compare them to bring you relevant jobs instantly. -',
            redirect_uri: '',
            max_recipients: 25,
            title: "Invite your friends to"
    function fb_logout(){
        FB.logout(function(response) {
              parent.location ='<? echo $base_url; ?>';
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1000);

FYI: We put a 1 second timer so when it triggers the send_invite call the browser doesn't block the call.

At the bottom of that page you linked, there's a banner that says

New Facebook policy, effective July 10, 2013: App requests can no longer offer a select all option or pre-select multiple recipients to receive a request.

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