
I'm now using Xcode 4.6 but cannot build my app on a device but perfectly working on simulator. It is looking my lbxml2, I already followed the solutions given by other users like adding "${SDK_DIR}/usr/include/libxml2" to Header Search Paths under Build Setting, include in Link Binary With Libraries under Build Phases but still no luck.

Before I switched to Xcode 4.6, it was building on Xcode 4.5. So, I really don't know what is wrong.



I am getting this error:

ld: library not found for -lxml2
clang-real++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Command /Applications/Xcode 4.6/ failed with exit code 1
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How are you trying to link your library in?

A "-lxml2" line in your build settings?

When I add my dylibs to my project, I usually do it the way you see in my screenshot.

Try this and see if it works for you also:

Add a library this way

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