
A bunch of questions ask how to rewrite (rebase) some commits so that they appear on a branch, but these all seem to assume that rebase is actually necessary, i.e. that the commits wanted for the branch are interspersed with commits wanted on master (whether made by “you” or others).

This question is simpler: I have a clone of a repository on the master branch, and I made a bunch of commits intending to create a GitHub pull request. Normally I would have run

git checkout -b new-feature

before starting the commits, but in this case I forgot. Can I retroactively mark this sequence as commits as being on a new branch (without needing to use git rebase)?

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You can move the commits to a branch and reset your master branch to where it was with:

git branch new-feature
git reset --hard origin/master

Note that this will blow away any uncommitted changes, if that is a problem you should use git stash before starting to save them away.


Assuming fork is a remote for your GitHub fork:

git checkout -b new-feature origin/master
git reset --hard master
git push fork new-feature
git checkout master
git reset --hard origin/master


  1. Create the new branch, rooted at the upstream tip.
  2. Force it to contain what was previously committed on master.
  3. Push the branch to the forked repository in preparation for a pull request.
  4. Go back to the master branch.
  5. Delete the new commits from it.

Maybe not the most elegant solution but appears to work. Might also want to pass --set-upstream to the push.

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