
I keep getting a Missing operand error. I cant seem to find it and I figure a new set of eyes can.

@echo off

title Log Split And Backup

rem dt = date
rem tm = time
rem wd = week day
rem mh = month
rem dy = day
rem yr = year
rem hh = hour
rem mm = minute
rem ss = second
rem ms = milisecond
rem gtr = greater than
rem lss = less than
rem equ = equal to

echo Starting Log Split And Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 1500 >nul
echo Log Split And Backup Has Started...

set hh=%tm:~0,2%
set mm=%tm:~3,2%
set ss=%tm:~5,2%
set ms=%tm:~7,2%
goto date

set dt=%date%
set tm=%time%
set wd=%dt:~0,3%
set mh=%dt:~4,2%
set dy=%dt:~6,2%
set yr=%dt:~8,4%
goto scheduletimes

for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 6 goto minutes1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 0 goto seconds1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% lss 10 goto day1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 18 goto minutes2
goto time
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 0 goto seconds2
goto time
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% lss 10 goto day2
goto time

for %%i in (Mon) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto mon1
for %%i in (Tue) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto tue1
for %%i in (Wed) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto wed1
for %%i in (Thu) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto thu1
for %%i in (Fri) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto fri1
for %%i in (Sat) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sat1
for %%i in (Sun) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sun1

for %%i in (Mon) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto mon2
for %%i in (Tue) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto tue2
for %%i in (Wed) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto wed2
for %%i in (Thu) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto thu2
for %%i in (Fri) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto fri2
for %%i in (Sat) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sat2
for %%i in (Sun) do (
    if "%wd%"=="%%i" goto sun2

@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\0-mon\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y               
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\1-tue\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\2-wed\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\3-thu\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\4-fri\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\5-sat\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\6-sun\server1.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\0-mon\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\1-tue\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\2-wed\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\3-thu\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\4-fri\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\5-sat\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time
@echo %date%
@echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\6-sun\server2.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time

Thank you to anyone that looked through this entire code and especially thank you to the person that finds the error for me.

Was it helpful?


If the above code is your complete program, then tm variable has not been assigned before it is used. I think that this line:

set tm=%time%

needs to be moved below :time label...


In essence this code should replace your repetitive code, and also provide a set of robust time and date variables (zero padded) using Wmic (XP Pro and later).

This uses the variables %var% and %server% in the xcopy routine.

Your :scheduletimes routine looks wacky because you seem to be setting and resetting a variable called %hh% and are testing the same variable again and again.

If you provide information about the schedule times then that may be simplified too.

@echo off

title Log Split And Backup

rem wd = week day
rem mh = month
rem dy = day
rem yr = year
rem hh = hour
rem mm = minute
rem ss = second
rem ms = milisecond
rem gtr = greater than
rem lss = less than
rem equ = equal to

echo Starting Log Split And Backup...
ping -n 1 localhost >nul
echo Log Split And Backup Has Started...

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic OS Get localdatetime  ^| find "."') do set dt=%%a
set Yr=%dt:~0,4%
set Mh=%dt:~4,2%
set Dy=%dt:~6,2%
set HH=%dt:~8,2%
set MM=%dt:~10,2%
set SS=%dt:~12,2%
set MS=%dt:~15,2%

set dt=%date%
set wd=%dt:~0,3%

for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 6 goto minutes1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 0 goto seconds1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% lss 10 set server=server1
goto hour2
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 18 goto minutes2
goto time
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% equ 0 goto seconds2
goto time
for /f "tokens=1*delims=0" %%a in ("$0%hh%") do set /a HH=%%b
if %HH% lss 10 set server=server2

    if "%wd%"=="MON" set var=0-%wd%
    if "%wd%"=="TUE" set var=1-%wd%
    if "%wd%"=="WED" set var=2-%wd%
    if "%wd%"=="THU" set var=3-%wd%
    if "%wd%"=="FRI" set var=4-%wd%
    if "%wd%"=="SAT" set var=5-%wd%
    if "%wd%"=="SUN" set var=6-%wd%


echo %date%
echo %time%
echo Starting the 12hr Log Split and Log Backup...
ping -n 1 localhost >nul
xcopy "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt" "C:\Users\Kratos\Dropbox\Minecraft Backups\Logs\%var%\%server%.txt" /D /E /R /I /K /Y               
del "C:\Users\Kratos\Desktop\MC Server\server.txt"
echo Finished Log Split and Log Backup...
goto time

Well, you can see your error by using debug. Please do as following:

> bash -x

Please look at the following url for more detail.

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