
I am using lot of portable application locally on my laptop and if i leave some of them opened when i shutdown Windows it doesn't close them properly and some applications don't save their settings. I am trying to use taskkill option in a autohotkey script which will be executed on windows shutdown and will close properly opened portable application.

I am using this script:

#SingleInstance, force 
DllCall("kernel32.dll\SetProcessShutdownParameters", UInt, 0x4FF, UInt, 0)
OnExit , closepgs 
If (A_ExitReason="Shutdown" or A_ExitReason="Logoff") 

Run, taskkill.exe /F /IM uTorrent.exe


But when i shutdown Windows i receive this taskkill.exe error:

"Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application"

If i use the taskkill code outside the script like this it works fine:

Run, taskkill.exe /F /IM uTorrent.exe

But if i use it inside the script i receive taskkill.exe error.

Any idea why this error happening?

I have Windows XP Pro SP3.

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Use Process, Close instead of taskkill.exe:

Process, Close, uTorrent.exe

It seems that as of Windows Vista and later, processes aren't allowed to spawn new processes during the shutdown phase. The only source a quick web search yielded was this one.
On a different note, using native functionality instead of calling programs is almost always preferable. Especially when using AHK, I recommend always looking for a built-in function to start with.

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