
I have made a model using Sketchup, and have tested rendering it using Blender and it looks great. However loading it in XNA has two problems.
1. One of the textures becomes see-thru not entierly transparent but items below on the inside of the model is visible (this is not the case in blender).
2. I have a rounded part on the model that is divided into smaller parts and the texture gets out of sync (the posisioning is all wrong).

I have tested exporting the model to 3ds and then use blender to save it as fbx (to eliminate any problems with Sketchup). I have also tried using AutoDesks FBX Converter, same problems =(

I'm using myModel.Draw(World, View, Projection); to render the model.

Any suggestions?


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1)Sounds like a backface culling issue try this

device.RenderState.CullMode = CullMode.None; (try the CW and CCW variants)

also make sure the depth buffer is enabled

2) This may be similar problem to an issue I had with blender when you copy the bones try the gModel.CopyBoneTransformsTo(transforms); as well as gModel.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(transforms);

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