
PHP: Output multiple line command-line outputs as different lines. Sorry if the title is difficult to understand. Basically I want my output like A, instead of B. It currently looks like B. I have tried nl2br. The script I am trying to run is:


echo "Virus Scan Results:";
$scanme = system('cd /var/www/upload/files; clamscan --remove=yes '.$furl);


802931t_e_s_t.txt: OK 
----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- 
Known viruses: 574585 
Engine version: 0.95.1 
Scanned directories: 0 
Scanned files: 1 
Infected files: 0 
Data scanned: 0.00 MB 
Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1) 
Time: 2.352 sec (0 m 2 s) 
Time: 2.352 sec (0 m 2 s)


802931t_e_s_t.txt: OK ----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Known viruses: 574585 Engine version: 0.95.1 Scanned directories: 0 Scanned files: 1 Infected files: 0 Data scanned: 0.00 MB Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1) Time: 2.352 sec (0 m 2 s) Time: 2.352 sec (0 m 2 s)

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why are you using nl2br if this is on the command line?

nl2br outputs <br /> tags for new lines... which would have no meaning on command line


Two things:

1 try

system('cd /var/www/upload/files; clamscan --remove=yes '.$furl, $scanme);

2 You may want to use the exec function instead of system


exec('cd /var/www/upload/files; clamscan --remove=yes '.$furl, $scanme);
$scanme = implode("\n",$scanme);

exec ( string $command [, array &$output [, int &$return_var ]] )


Have you tried just printing the output of the command directly?

echo "Virus Scan Results:";
echo exec('cd /var/www/upload/files; clamscan --remove=yes '.$furl);

PS. You really should sanitise the input like so (if you are not doing so already):

$furl = escapeshellarg($furl)

escapeshellarg() - Escape a string to be used as a shell argument

If you are running on the commandline, a newline is represented as '\n', or '\r\n' in a Windows environment. So make sure there is a \n at the end of each line, and you should get the output you want. Edit:
Tom: Oops. Fixed.

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