
I'm using qooxdoo in combination with the google maps API. I'm actually using it in combination with coffeescript, but I had the same problem before I moved over to coffeescript (although I suspect coffeescript isn't helping).

When I build the project, I get a lot of lines like this:

  - Warning: myproj.App (22,50): Unknown global symbol used: 'google'
  - Warning: myproj.App (22,76): Unknown global symbol used: 'google.maps'
  - Warning: myproj.App (23,21): Unknown global symbol used: 'google'
  - Warning: myproj.App (23,47): Unknown global symbol used: 'google'
  - Warning: myproj.App (23,74): Unknown global symbol used: 'google.maps'
  - Warning: myproj.App (15,18): Unknown global symbol used: 'google.maps.LatLng'

I've found lots of references to @ignoreUndefined or @ignore to get rid of this, all supposed to be placed in a javadoc comment like this:

 * @ignore(google.*)

However, I've been unable to get this to work. I've tried @ignoreUndefined and @ignore, with and without brackets, with google on it's own, with google. with google*, with google.*, with google.maps.LatLng explicitly (and all the other ones) and a few other variations. In the coffeescript I've tried having it all in a ### block and also in a block at the top of the file that looks like this:

  * @ignoreUndefined google


`/** @ignore(google) */`

(the backticks stick it straight into the javascript source unmolested).

What I really want to do is put something in config.json that tells it to stop complaining about google.* (this would be simpler than per-file as it will be in every file), but I can't find a way to do this. It's starting to be a problem as I'm missing genuine mistakes amongst the pages of Unknown global symbol used: 'google...

Please can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Thanks to Richard, I now have it working. In case it's of use to anyone else, my config.json looks like this (irrelevant bits removed):


    "config-warnings" :
        "job-shadowing": ["common", "lint", "source-all", "build"]

    "jobs" :
        "build" :
            "run" :
        "source-all" :
            "run" :
            "lint-check": {
                "allowed-globals": [
            "lint-check": {
                "allowed-globals": [
        "coffee-compile" :
            "extend": ["common"],
            "shell" :
                "command": "coffee --bare --compile --output ./source/class/myapp/ ./coffee/myapp/*.coffee"
Was it helpful?


I assume you are using qooxdoo 3.0 (the current github master branch - not yet released but very soon) which introduces the @ignore syntax (superseding the old #ignore syntax). I got it working like this in my config.json:

  "config-warnings" :
    "job-shadowing" : ["source"],


  "jobs" :

    "source" :
      "lint-check" : { 
        "allowed-globals" : [ 

Changing the config.json like that should also work in qooxdoo 2.1.1.

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