
In my app a user clicks a link to another page. I'd like to track that in Omniture with a custom event, so I've bound the omniture s.t() event to the click event. How can I make certain the event fires before the next page is requested?

I've considered event.preventDefault() on the click event of the link, but I actually want the original event to occur, just not immediately.

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omniture's function has a built-in delay


Some thing like this:

var cachedEvent = yourElement.onclick;
yourElement.onclick = function(){

    s.t(); // Omniture thingy
    cachedEvent(); // Old event


I don't know what Omniture events are, but just have

yourElement.onClick = function(){

onmitureFunction = function() {
    myOtherFunction();//what onClick is "supposed to do"

So function2 happens only on successful completion of function1

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