
I think I hit a playframework - logback specific bug, perhaps not, any assistance would be great!

I' ve needed an email appender to send me emails when an error occures.
So I created a simple one with all the properties defined within:

<appender name="EMAIL" class="">
    <subject>Error: %logger{20} - %m</subject>
    <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
        <pattern>%date %-5level %logger{35} - %message%n</pattern>

This worked fine.
Then I wanted to refactor all of the properties cause obviously i don't want to commit passwords and stuff like that to the source control.
So i replaced all the properties by ${propname} and added this at the begining

<property file="conf/"/>

now emails are not sent anymore.
I debugged and printed out the properties and saw that the problem has to do with quotes.
my to/from are email addresses, when I put them in my properties file I need to surround them with quotes otherwise i get an error like this:

Caused by: com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Parse: /myconfdir../ 19: Reserved character '@' is not allowed outside quotes

Also my password has a "+" symbol in it and if it's unquoted in the properties file i get the same error.
When debugging with these quoted values I see that the quote is included inside them.
So an email is trying to be sent to "" and no Same for from field and for the password.
So obviously it doesn't work.

Any idea how to prevent this?

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I have done the same task by this :

In logback.xml file, Add this :

property resource=""

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