
how do I define a constant inside a function


class {

     public test;

     function tester{

      const test = "abc";


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You are doing fine but you need to put the const at the class level not inside the function eg:

class {
 const TEST = "abc"; 
 public $test2;

 function tester{
  // code here

More info here.

Also, you were missing $ in public variable test


I think you want a Class Constant

class SomeClass {

  const test = "abc";

  function tester() {


By definition, you shouldn't be assigning a value to a constant after its definiton. In the class context you use the const keyword and self:: to access it through the class internally.

class TestClass
    const test = "abc";

    function tester()
        return self::test;

$testClass = new TestClass();
echo $testClass->tester();
echo TestClass::test;

You can see that you can also access the constant as a static class property using ::

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