
Is there any PHP library that validates a JSON object against a JSON Schema?

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About jsonschemaphpv, although it´s not very well maintained, we use it a lot and it works. It´s a port from the js validator. It has a full test suite that runs against the php and the

And guess what... It passes on more tests than the js. At least at the last time I run the tests. The thing is that the project is not very well structured and looks ugly. But I ensure you it´s very stable. It also allows you to validate associative arrays as objects either.

I´ve written the tests in selenium first. After that I wrote them in phpunit. I´m not sure if the phpunit tests are there.

If you give it a try and really want to use it I can start a branch for it on github with the phpunit tests.

Bruno Reis (the person who ported the js to php)


Take a look at . It has some validators in php and other languages.

I'm using Justin Rainbow's JSON Schema for PHP and I'm quite happy about it.

It's a fork of

You can easily install it via Composer.

You could validate not JSON, but PHP array that could be obtained from many sources (JSON, XML, Post Data). To check if your array matches pattern you could take a look at

On the JSON Schema website there is a list of the implementions, amongst other things of validators in/for PHP:

jsv4-php - supports version 4 (Public Domain / MIT)

php-json-schema (MIT)

json-schema (Berkeley)

jvalidator (BSD3)

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