
There seems to be a latency of one tweet when streaming from twitter.


  • Start the streaming with a track parameter, say "oopsnotworking"
  • Tweet a tweet containing the "oopsnotworking"
  • The stream does not seem to pick it up
  • Tweet another tweet containing the "oopsnotworking"
  • The stream now picks up the first tweet
  • continue

This seems to happen to be for over a week, since I started working on streaming API. At first I thought the API is having a issue during that time, but I have heard that any issues with the API seem to get resolved within hours.

So is this how it is supposed to work?

I am using Twython btw.

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I was able to get rid of the latency. Let me answer it myself.

There seems to be some problem with Twython, I did not look up the internals but I am pretty sure it is with Twython because when I started using Tweepy everything works fine. I am guessing Twython is opening multiple connection caused a bottleneck, once again I haven't looked up the internal so I am not really sure what is going on with Twython.

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