
In my _updates.html.haml file in my home view of my rails app, I am accessing a bunch of posts with the @posts = Post.tagged_with(params[:tag]) in my home controller. I am doing an each iteration on @posts and am trying to prepend a '#' symbol in front of the tag name so that the '#' is part of the link in the link_to statement.

I am trying the following but I get a typeerror.

    - post.tags.each do |tag|
      - tag_plus_hash = '#' + tag
      %li= link_to tag_plus_hash, posts_path(tag:

My error is the following:

can't convert ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag into String
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Try calling the method to_s, like so

    - post.tags.each do |tag|
      - tag_plus_hash = '#' + tag.to_s
      %li= link_to tag_plus_hash, posts_path(tag:

Or even better, use interpolation

    - post.tags.each do |tag|
      - tag_plus_hash = "##{tag}"
      %li= link_to tag_plus_hash, posts_path(tag:
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