
I would like to create a data grid that scrolls both vertically and horizontally and has sticky row and column headers (so you can scroll the data while still viewing the row/column headers). What is the best way of doing this?

I've considered creating my own custom DataGrid view that handles its own rendering, but this seems like a lot of work. It seems like adding multiple UITableViews to a UIScrollView might work, but I don't know how to make the first row and column sticky while scrolling the rest of them together. Or perhaps I could subclass UITableView and add columns to it.

For an example of something similar to what I'm looking for, see Click on the SuperList example and play around with the view there.

I have successfully recreated the effect I'm looking for in a UIWebView with a plain HTML table, custom JavaScript, and CSS, but performance on the iPhone is terrible using this method.

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I don't think subclassing UITableView is a good match for your requirements. But you could replicate the design patterns UITableView uses. This would simplify both development and usage of your view.

I would go about it along these lines:

  • Declare DataGridViewDelegate and DataGridViewDatasource protocols that mimic their UITableView counterparts.
  • DataGridView is a UIScrollView subclass. It has two ivars delegate and datasource.
  • DataGridViewCell is a UIView subclass similar to UITableViewCell.
  • A category on NSIndexPath similar NSIndexPath(UITableView) that makes it easy to use index paths to address rows, columns, and (optionally, if you want to implement them) sections.
  • DataGridView calls the datasource methods numberOfRowsInDataGridView: and numberOfColsInDataGridView: and the delegate methods heightForCellAtIndexPath: and widthForCellAtIndexPath: (or, if not implemented, uses default cellWidth and cellHeight properties) to calculate the size of the grid and set the scroll views contentSize property.
  • When DataGridView needs to display itself or when it is scrolled, call the datasource method dataGridView:cellAtIndexPath: to get the subview for each cell to be displayed. Add these as subviews. Implement a cell reuse system like UITableView.
  • ...

This might sound like a lot of work but I think it is feasible. I am not quite sure how to best implement the fixed (non-scrolling) header rows/cols.


This might suit your needs, it is well made:

Another alternative might be this iOS data grid component - it is not free, but quite full featured, such as animated row deletion and borders / colors customization.

I just answered a question like this one - there are a few more options that I found: (Free) (Commercial - lots of features 29 USD) (commercial 129 USD) (Commercial)

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