
Lets say I have the following condition:

if ( myList == null || myList.isEmpty() || xomeX == someY )

What is the order of the evaluation of these conditions? Left or right, right to left or random each time?

If the first one passes, then the others are ignored?

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It should be always be left to right except the assignment operator = . You are using short circuit OR operator , hence if the first condition is true , rest of them won't be evaluated.

JLS 15.24:

The conditional-or operator is syntactically left-associative (it groups left-to-right).

At run time, the left-hand operand expression is evaluated first; if the result has type Boolean, it is subjected to unboxing conversion (§5.1.8).

If the resulting value is true, the value of the conditional-or expression is true and the right-hand operand expression is not evaluated.


From the JLS

At run time, the left-hand operand expression is evaluated first [...] If the resulting value is true, the value of the conditional-or expression is true and the right-hand operand expression is not evaluated.

if ( myList == null || myList.isEmpty() || xomeX == someY )

Yes the evaluation is from left to right!


If the first condition is true next condition is not evaluated. This concept is called Short-circuit evaluation. You can read more on this here. Similar SO question posted earlier is Java logical operator short-circuiting

1) left to right

2) in this case, if one condition is true, it doesn't evaluate the rest. so if myList is null, it won't throw a NullPointerException evaluating myList.isEmpty() (because it won't evaluate it)

Every operator has its own precedence and associativity.

These links are enough to answer your question.

|| is the short-circuit OR operator, that means that conditions are strictly evaluated from left to right, and this checking process stops on first true result.

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