
I have a little app here, and I would love to be able to do my own stuff in Vista/Win7 when I shake the form.

Currently, when a form is shaken, it will restore/minimize everything else. But I want to change that behavior in my app only. So when my form is shaken, I could, for example, shuffle the playlist, or Clear the contents of a Canvas etc...

Is this possible?

Thank you

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Another link with working example:


And yes pretty cool feature.


If you're asking for a code sample that does this, here you go:

Just replace the part that minimizes and maximizes other windows with whatever else you want to do.

Personally, I think this is pretty cool, and I'm seriously trying to fight the urge to use this everywhere, now. My ideal of the perfect user interface has always been a form with just one button on it. With shaking, I wouldn't even need the button.

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