
I recently moved from Jersey 1.X to Jersey 2.1 and using jersey-media-json-jackson for (de-)serializing to Json.

In my JUnit-Test I would like to consume a web service that return a List. With Jerey 1.x I used to work with GenericType. However, folling code does not work with Jersey 2.1 / Jackson 2.1:

GenericType<Collection<String>> listType = new GenericType<Collection<String>>() {};

it crashes with

MessageBodyReader not found for media type=application/json, 
type=interface java.util.List, genericType=java.util.Collection<java.lang.String>.

Serializing is okay, since following code:


returns a valid Json String

Any ideas how to fix? Any working examples?


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Probably too late and you found the solution, but here it is for some else who might run into the same problem. Make sure you register the JacksonFeature on a client config before creating your client, code example below.

ClientConfig cc = new ClientConfig().register(new JacksonFeature());
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(cc);
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