
I have one folder named test located at I need to change the URLs from

to this is similiar to SO urls.

I tried following in .htaccess file with following code

RewriteEngine on 
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteBase / 
RewriteRule ^test/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)?$ test/test.php?id=$1&key=$2 [R]

It redirects me to but it didnt work as I copied the format from somewhere. I am not sure ^ should include www part as well or it just assumes / as root?

The "id" part is important to me. I'll also consider followings as valid urls. (without /some-text123") (without /some-text123 but having / )

Can you please help me write correct rule?

How can I make it so that I dont have to hard-code "abc/files/" ?

It shouldn't affect any of the other urls of my site(than "test" folder.)

Also the URL should stay the same (/files/test/15 etc) instead of changing to "?id=15&key=some-text123"

Thanks a lot.

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The R flag forces an external redirect. So just leave it away and the request will be redirected internally:

RewriteRule ^test/([0-9]+)/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)?$ test/test.php?id=$1&key=$2
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