
I have a binary search loop which gets hit many times in the execution path.

A profiler shows that the division part of the search (finding the middle index given the high and low indices of the search range) is actually the most costly part of the search, by a factor of about 4.

(I think) it is not critical for efficient binary search to find the exact middle value, just a value near the middle which does not have bias in either direction.

Is there a bit-twiddling algorithm to replace mid = (low + high) / 2 with something much faster?

Edit: Language is C#, but the equivalent bit-operation is valid in any language (although it may be of no performance benefit), which is why I left the C# tag off.

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int mid = (low + high) >>> 1;

Be advised that using "(low + high) / 2" for midpoint calculations won't work correctly when integer overflow becomes an issue.


Here is a bit-hack version of the average that does not suffer from the overflow problem:

unsigned int average (unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
  return (x&y)+((x^y)>>1);

You can use bit shifting and also overcome a possible overflow issue:

low + ((high-low) >> 1)

However I must admit I expect modern compilers and interpreters to do division by 2 (or division by any other constant power of 2) as bit-shifting, so not sure if it will really help - try it out.

To further expand on Nils' answer Richard Schroeppel invented this.

ITEM 23 (Schroeppel):

(A AND B) + (A OR B) = A + B = (A XOR B) + 2 (A AND B).

(A + B)/2 = ((A XOR B) + 2(A AND B))/2
          =  (A XOR B)/2  + (A AND B)
          =  (A XOR B)>>1 + (A AND B)


(A AND B) + (A OR B) = A + B because A AND B gives the sum of the shared (between A and B) powers of two, A OR B gives both those shared and those that aren't, hence:

(A AND B) + (A OR B) = 
   (sum of shared powers of two) + 
   ((sum of shared powers of two) + (sum of unshared powers of two)) = 
     (sum of shared powers of two) + 
     ((sum of shared powers of two) + (sum of powers of two of A only) + 
     (sum of powers of two of B only)) = 
       ((sum of shared powers of two) + (sum of powers of two of A only)) + 
       ((sum of shared powers of two) + (sum of powers of two of B only)) 
= A + B. 

A XOR B gives a map of those bits that differ between A and B. Hence,

A XOR B = (sum of powers of two of A only) + (sum of powers of two of B only). 

And thus:

2(A AND B) + (A XOR B) = 
       ((sum of shared powers of two) + (sum of powers of two of A only)) + 
       ((sum of shared powers of two) + (sum of powers of two of B only)) 
= A + B.

If I recall correctly, there are some cases where using the exact middle of the array can actually be slower. The solution is to randomize the choice of the index where you bisect the array. Equally true of the algorithm for determining the median of an array.

I can't recall the precise details, but I remember hearing in lecture 6 of the MIT algorithms series on iTunes.

Try low + ((high - low) / 2)). This should work because you're only taking the average of two numbers. This would reduce the amount of time the algorithm is taking if the binary search list is fairly big, since high - low is much smaller than high + low.

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