
Here is my code:

#Make the SOAP connection
url = ""
headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}
ca_client_inventory = Client(url, location="", headers=headers)
#Make the SOAP headers
login = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('APICredentials')
login.DeveloperKey = 'REMOVED'
login.Password = 'REMOVED'
#Attach the headers

synch_inventory_item_list = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('SynchInventoryItemList')
synch_inventory_item_list.accountID = "REMOVED"

array_of_inventory_item_submit = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('ArrayOfInventoryItemSubmit')
for product in products:
   inventory_item_submit = ca_client_inventory.factory.create('InventoryItemSubmit')
    inventory_item_list = get_item_list(product)
    inventory_item_submit = [inventory_item_list]

synch_inventory_item_list.itemList = array_of_inventory_item_submit

#Call that service baby!

Here is what it outputs:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
                  <ns0:Title>The Big Book Of Crazy Quilt Stitches</ns0:Title>
                  <ns0:Description>Embellish the seams and patches of crazy quilt projects with over 75 embroidery stitches and floral motifs. You&apos;ll use this handy reference book again and again to dress up wall hangings, pillows, sachets, clothing, and other nostalgic creations.</ns0:Description>
                  <ns0:IsBlocked xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:RetailPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:StartingPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:ReservePrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                     <ns0:SecondChanceOfferPrice xsi:nil="true"/>
                           <ns0:Value>Patricia Eaton</ns0:Value>
                           <ns0:Name>Trim Size</ns0:Name>
                           <ns0:Name>Release Date</ns0:Name>
                           <ns0:Value>11/1/1999 0:00:00</ns0:Value>
                           <ns0:Name>Skill Level</ns0:Name>

See how it creates the accountID node twice and wraps the whole thing in it? WHY? How do I make it stop that?!

EDIT: I just noticed this in the SUDS output:

   tag = "accountID"
   value = 
         accountID = "REMOVED"
         itemList = 
               InventoryItemSubmit[] = 


What is this tag? ...going to check docs

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Solution 2

The answer is in the very last line of my code I need to do this:

ca_client_inventory.service.SynchInventoryItemList(accountID, array_of_inventory_item_submit)

Where accountID is a variable that holds the string account id

I was told by jortel in the #suds IRC chat room that: "suds provides an rpc interface that insulates users from soap messaging styles" And the new parameters in the call came from him too. Hope this helps someone.


This might be a problem with the WSDL or a bug in SUDS. Have you compared what the WSDL looks like to that of the SOAP envelope being presented by SUDS?

Had the same issue and this answer from Philip Haynes on this link did it for me.As explained by Philip Haynes The problem is caused because the method.soap.input.body.wrapped attribute of the Document instance is set to True. This is because the Definitions.set_wrapped method in is setting the value to True when it seems that it should not.

Try this by setting the client unwrap option to False,

my_client = Client(url, unwrap=False)
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