
I have a Login page with a "Forgot Password" link, which is created using an <a> tag with an href attribute of @Url.Action("ForgotPassword", "Login", new { Area = "Admin" }), and for some reason this link directs me to the login page instead of the ForgotPassword page.

Does anybody have a clue as to why this is? I have been investigating and found nothing strange in my project.

Another note: the "Index" action on my Login controller gets hit, but the "ForgotPassword" action never does.

Here's the ForgotPassword action:

public ActionResult ForgotPassword()
    return View();
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Solution 3

It turns out my issue was being caused by my BaseController.cs which all of my other controllers inherit from. It was redirecting to the login because of faulty validation logic, which I fixed.

Thank you all for the sensible suggestions.


If there is [Authorize] attribute in Login controller, move it and put it in actions which you want users can access who isAuthorized.

This issue is not in @Url.Action. This is because you deny access to this action. May be you have [Authorize] attribute on your Login controller. If you don't want to delete [Authorize] attribute you can allow action in you web.config:


    <location path="Login/ForgotPassword">
                <allow users="*" />

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