
I want to set the RadDatePicker value to a value retrieved from my database

I have this code

DateTime Podate = Convert.ToDateTime(da.GetDataKeyValue("PoDt"));
RadDatePicker.SelectedDate =Podate;

but when I run this program the DatePicker shows blank value

What should I do? Please help

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Try likes this ,

  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
     RadDatePicker.SelectedDate = 

If not working by this code , please check with

     RadDatePicker.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now;

If it work with this , you have to check your retrieve data da.GetDataKeyValue("PoDt") .
It may be in wrong datetime dataformat !


only set the DbSelectedDate property on your telerik control as given below your work will be done :

           ID="RDtbenddate" runat="server" 
           DateInput-ForeColor="#00CCFF" DateInput-ToolTip="End Date"
           DbSelectedDate='<%# Bind("JobClosingDate") %>' Width="250">

This works too:

RadDatePicker1.SelectedDate = (DateTime) Contact.Birthdate;

Please not If you use RequiredFieldValidator

You must add Display="Dynamic" to RequiredFieldValidator

Otherwise date would not be displayed

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