
I am using arrays in PHP to modify xml data and write it back. This is the xml structure (simplified for demonstration purpose):

    <name>Folder name</name>

Using this code, this is then parsed and transformed into a multidimensional array:

    [docs] => Array
            [_c] => Array
                    [folder] => Array
                            [_c] => Array
                                    [name] => Array
                                            [_v] => Folder name

                                    [date] => Array
                                            [_v] => 20.06.2009

                                    [folder] => Array
                                            [0] => Array
                                                    [_c] => Array
                                                            [name] => Array
                                                                    [_v] => Subfolder1

                                                            [date] => Array
                                                                    [_v] => 



                                            [1] => Array
                                                    [_c] => Array
                                                            [name] => Array
                                                                    [_v] => Subfolder1

                                                            [date] => Array
                                                                    [_v] => 




                                    [file] => Array
                                            [_c] => Array
                                                    [name] => Array
                                                            [_v] => 





                    [name] => Array
                            [_v] => 

                    [date] => Array
                            [_v] => 




Lengthy, I know. But now to the actual issue. If I want to add another file to a sub folder called Subfolder2 in this case, it's not a problem to do it by hand when u see the structure:

array_push($array['docs']['_c']['folder']['_c']['folder'][1], $newfile);

Now when I want to do it via the function that only knows a path to the folder (like docs/Folder name/Subfolder2), the algorithm has to analyze the array structure (check the name of each [folder], check if there is one or more folders ['_c'] or [number]) - all good, but I cannot find a way to create a variable that would have an "array" path for that new file.

I was thinking somewhere along these lines:

$writepath = "['docs']['_c']['folder']...[1]"; // path string
array_push($array{$writepath}, $newfile);

Of course this is not a valid syntax.

So, how can I make a variable that contains a path through the array elements? I did a bit of research on w3c and finding no helpful info on multidimensional arrays...

If anyone has any other suggestions regarding structure, xml transformation/manipulation etc. by all means, I know it is far from sufficient way of data handling.

Thanks for any input,


Edit: Regarding the reference, is it possible to reference the reference? As that would be the way to move the 'pointer' through a set of arrays? Something as such:

$pointer = &$array['docs'];
if (key($pointer) == '_c') { $pointer = &$pointer['_c']; }
else (
  // create an array with '_c' key instead of empty '_v' array

This syntax does not work.

Edit: The syntax works, never mind... Thanks for all your help guys!

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Although this isn't exactly an answer to your question: Instead of the xml<->array code you could use SimpleXML and its XPath capabilities.

$xml = '<docs>
    <name>Folder name</name>

$doc = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); $pathToParentelement = '//folder[name="Subfolder3"]'; $element = $doc->xpath($pathToParentelement); isset($element[0]) or die('not found');
$newFolder = $element[0]->addChild("folder"); $newFolder->name = "Subfolder4.1"; $newFolder->date = date(DATE_RFC822);
// let's see the result echo $doc->asxml();

$pathToParentelement is more or less your $writepath.


Using references might help.

You could firstly write a function that returns a reference to the given part of the array for a path string. For example, get_path_array("Documents") would return $array['docs']['_c']['folder']['_c']['folder'][1], $newfile)

function &get_path_array($path_str)
    // your code to seek to seek the path in the array
    return $result;

Now to add an element, you could just do

array_push(get_path_array("docs/Folder name/Subfolder2"), $newfile);

Is that what you were looking for?

(See php references for more info)

Edit: In reply to Eric's comment (a bit too hard to fit into a comment)

I think you may be confused about how arrays work. There isn't really any such thing as multidimentional arrays in php, just arrays that are storing other arrays. For example,

$a = array(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6));
$b = $a[1];
echo $b[0];

Will output "4".

Note that in the above code, $b is a copy of $a[1], changing $b won't affect $a[1]. However, using references, this can be made to work:

$a = array(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6));
$b = &$a[1]; // the & make $b a reference to $a[1]
$b[0] = 4242;


    [0] => Array
            [0] => 1
            [1] => 2
            [2] => 3

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 4242
            [1] => 5
            [2] => 6


So there is never a need to generate the string $array['doc']['path'], you just use a loop to seek the right array.

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