
I have this problem using Zend and I think its db related at all:

I have two tables, one contains:

id, ..., file, desc, date

and the second table contains:

id, ..., file_1, desc_1, file_2, desc_2, date

What I need as a result is:

id, ..., file, desc, date

From both tables, which means I need to have coresponding file, desc and file_1 ->file, desc_1->desc and file_2->file, desc_2->desc in this one table.

Any idea how to do this with Zend 1.12?

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You need to use JOIN in Zend ORM

for exmaple

public function getPendingProjects($owner){

$data = $this   ->getAdapter()
                ->from('campaign' , array('title', 'id'))
                ->joinLeft('job', ' = job.campaign_id', array('count(user_id)'))
                ->where('campaign.employer_id = ' . (int)$owner . ' AND job.status = 3' );

return $data->query()->fetchAll();


taked from here

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