
I have a call from within a table as follows:

td><a href="@Url.Action("EditCourseSection", "Admin", new { courseID = @coursesection.CourseSectionID })"><i class="icon-edit"></i></a></td>

I want this to return a URL of: /Admin/EditCourseSection/1

But it is returning a URL of: /Admin/EditCourseSection?courseID=1

How can I omit the additional parameter details so that simply the variable number is declared after this?

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You need to change routing (or add new routing) in your Global.asax as follows:

                name: "Anyname",
                url: "Admin/{action}/{courseID}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Admin", action = "EditCourseSection", courseID = UrlParameter.Optional}
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