
I am writing a blogging platform and everything works wonderfully when tested on a web server. However, I am trying to write unit tests using Mocha and Should.js and I am coming across errors where there shouldn't be errors. For example, in the following code, whenever I try to actually add something to the callback function (3rd parameter), like calling done() or stating something like fakeReq.entries.should.exist, I get a million errors:

describe("#load()", function(done){

and here is what the function looks like:

exports.load = function(req,res,next,slug){
    var User = mongoose.model('User')
    Entry.load(req.param('year'), req.param('month'), slug, function (err, article) {
        if (err) return next(err)
        req.article = article

However, leaving it like this makes it seem like nothing ever gets tested. From my command line (note that the above lines of code are in Entries):

    ✓ should render something 

    ◦ should have a title: TEST
    ✓ should have a title 
    ◦ should have a slug: test
    ✓ should have a slug 

Does anyone have a lot of experience with Mocha that can help me out? I don't think I can simply access Mongo with a before() or beforeEach() statement because part of the test is making sure my code accesses the database correctly.

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You need to call the it function for your actual tests. describe it to describe a group of related tests and then calls to it within the describe callback are the actual tests.

describe("my module", function () {
  it("should require OK", function () {
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