
I have found this topic but with no apparent solution. flowplayer starts muted on my Mac in firefox, safari or chrome. This is the code I'm using, can someone point me in the right direction ? It is flowplayer 3.2.16 if this is of interest.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    player = flowplayer("player", "/libs/flowplayer/flowplayer.swf", {
        plugins: {audio: {url: '/libs/flowplayer/'},controls: {url: '/libs/flowplayer/flowplayer.controls.swf'}}, 
        clip: {autoPlay: false, autoBuffering: true}
    $(".rmRating").jRating({type:'big',length:5,showRateInfo:false,decimalLength:0,rateMax:5,step: true});
    $('i.rex-player').on('click', function() {
        var c = {url: $(this).data('url'), coverImage: {url: "<?=$item->thumb;?>",scaling: 'orig'}};;
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The problem was the combination of autoBuffering and not having loaded a clip at all. For further details see the flowplayer forum.

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