Can I “inherit” a delegate? Looking for ways to combine Moq and MSpec without conflicts around It



I have started to use MSpec for BDD, and since long ago I use Moq as my mocking framework. However, they both define It, which means I can't have using Moq and using Machine.Specifications in the same code file without having to specify the namespace explicitly each time I use It. Anyone who's used MSpec knows this isn't really an option.

I googled for solutions to this problem, and this blogger mentions having forked MSpec for himself, and implemented paralell support for Given, When, Then.

I'd like to do this, but I can't figure out how to declare for example Given without having to go through the entire framework looking for references to Establish, and changing code there to match that I want either to be OK.

For reference, the Establish, Because and It are declared in the following way:

public delegate void Establish();
public delegate void Because();
public delegate void It();

What I need is to somehow declare Given, so that everywhere the code looks for an Establish, Given is also OK.

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Rather than using fully qualified type names to overcome the clash, you could use "using" to alias the type names, e.g.:

using MadeUpName = System.Windows.Forms.SomeClass;

You can then use MadeUpName without the clash.

MadeUpName obj = new MadeUpName();
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