
To create a .exe in Linux using Qt SDK, should I cross compile my application in Linux or cross-compile my application in Windows?

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You need to cross compile on Linux, for windows.


  1. install MinGW on Linux.
  2. cross-compile your Qt code on Linux. A windows binary (.exe) should be produced.
  3. You are done. Happily execute the exe on any windows system with Qt runtime libraries.

Hope that clears things up.



Either cross-compile in Linux, or compile in Windows.

First off, kvg. Google search for "cross-compiling qt applications in linux for windows" and first link that comes up is this:

The steps should be simple:

  • install mingw
  • install qt linux binaries so that you get qmake and moc and other stuff needed for compilation.
  • get windows qt binaries and other possible libraries your application requires.
  • create a new qmake configuration files (see page for more details)
  • go to your source folder and call qmake -spec $SpecFileCreatedInStep4
  • make
  • profit!!
  • close your questions in so.
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