
private ArrayList<String> mArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();


    mArrayList.add("test 3");
    mArrayList.add("test 21");
    mArrayList.add("test 4");
    mArrayList.add("test 6");
    mArrayList.add("test 1");


    for (int i = 0; i < mArrayList.size(); i++) {

        Log.e("TAG", "" + mArrayList.get(i));

Result is:

test 1
test 21
test 3
test 4
test 6

But i want:

test 1
test 3
test 4
test 6
test 21

I sorted it but not perfectly, How to do that, i don't know, if you have any idea, than please share with me.

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Although not a good solution but you will get an idea, Try this:

Collections.sort(mArrayList, new Comparator<String>() {
            public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
               Integer i1 = Integer.parseInt(s1.split("test ")[1]);
               Integer i2 = Integer.parseInt(s2.split("test ")[1]);
                return i1.compareTo(i2);

Basically you can sort any object. So I recommend having a Data class containing all your variables then you can sort these objects on any variable's basis. So e.g.

public class Data{
    public String test;
    public Integer i;


ArrayList<Data> mArrayList = new ArrayList<Data>();

Collections.sort(mArrayList, new Comparator<Data>() {
            public int compare(Data d1, Data d2) { 
                return d1.i.compareTo(d2.i);
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