
I have a problem with transferring data between UIViewController and I don't find answers in former questions.

Situation : I have a first viewController ('CalViewController') which allows users to input data. Then I calculate with those datas a number (named 'calories' for example). The next views are two UIViewController (DrinksViewController & FoodViewController)displayed in a TabBarControllerand I need value of 'calories'.

What I've tried : -prepareForSegue method : It doesn't work because segues (symbol in storyboard is a link between two points) in a TabBarControllerare not as others (symbol in storyboard is arrow through a door).

-'didSelectViewController' method : This method is not "activated" to display the first view of a TabBarController. So I succeed to transfer Calories to my second ViewController in the TabBarController (ie FoodViewController) but not to my first viewController in the TabBarController (ie DrinksViewController).

-call the "original" value : Here what I've done in CalViewController (after imported DrinksViewController.h)

DrinksViewController *dvc = [[DrinksViewController alloc] init]; 
dvc.caloriesImported = 456;

I don't know why this third way is not working.

Problem : My value of Caloriesis not transferred from CalViewController to DrinksViewControlller. Any ideas ?

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If I understand your problem correctly, the following should work in the first view controller CalViewController:

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:@"yourSegueToTabBarIdentifier"]) {
        UITabBarController *tbc = [segue destinationViewController];
        DrinksViewController *dvc = tbc.viewControllers[0];
        dvc.caloriesImported = 456;
        FoodViewController *fvc = tbc.viewControllers[1];
        fvc.someProperty = someValue;

Note that

DrinksViewController *dvc = [[DrinksViewController alloc] init]; 
dvc.caloriesImported = 456;

cannot work because it allocates a new instance of DrinksViewController that is completely unrelated to the instance used by the tab bar controller.


You need to get the instances that are already in the tab bar controller. You do that with self.tabBarController.viewControllers[n], where n would be 0,1, or 2 depending on which controller you're trying to access.

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