
I have the following script

      echo "I am alive<br>";
      die("I am dying<br>");
      echo ("Dead");


The output that I get is

I am alive
I am dying

Is there any way (alternative/substitute of die()) using which the execution of the remaining script be continued?


Sorry I have got what I wanted and have voted to close the question. Please neglect the question.

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If the motives behind your question lie with error handling you might want to have a look at try/catch structures in PHP.


You can use trigger_error:

  echo "I am alive<br>";
  trigger_error("I am dying<br>");
  echo ("Dead");


I am alive
Notice: I am dying in ... on line 3

If you want to run script after result is returned to the user try this:

    while (ob_get_level () != 0) {
        ob_end_clean ();

    header ("Connection: close\r\n");
    header ("Content-Encoding: none\r\n");
    ignore_user_abort (true);
    ob_start ();

    // do stuff that should be returned here

    header ("Content-Length: ".ob_get_length ());
    ob_end_flush ();
    flush ();

    // do rest here
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