
I'm using JAXB 2.x to unmarshal a RSS feed. I don't know how to pull an attribute from an element however. The XML (unimportant parts removed) looks like:

                <title>TWiT 417: Stop Saying Ball Pit</title>
                <pubDate>Mon, 05 Aug 2013 16:29:52 -0000</pubDate>
                <enclosure url="" length="18366464" type="audio/mpeg"/>
                <media:content url="" medium="audio" type="audio/mpeg" filesize="56888697"/>

I have an RSS class:

public class Rss {

    @XmlElementWrapper( name = "channel" )
    @XmlElement( name = "item" )
    //  Either of the next two work
    // public Item[] item;
    public ArrayList< Item > items;

    public String toString() {
        return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString( this );

And an Item class:

public class Item {

    String title;

    String pubDate;

    String guid;

    String link;

    String url;

    public String toString() {
        return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString( this );

But the enclosure/@url is is always null following my unmarshal. Also, I'm not sure how I differentiate between enclosure/@url and media:content/@url. What am I doing wrong?

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Your @XmlAttribute annotation is on the Item class so it's expecting

<item url="...">

You could create another class Enclosure and move the @XmlAttribute to that class (and similar for media...)

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