
I am working on kiwi framework for testing by following

- (id) init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _data = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
    return self;
- (void) push:(int)numberToPush {
    [ addObject:numberToPush];
- (int)top {
    return [[ lastObject] integerValue];

-(int)numberOfItem {
    return [ count];

and testing is


describe(@"The stack", ^{
    __block MyStack    *stack;
    context(@"when created", ^{
            stack = [[MyStack alloc] init];
        it(@"is not nil.", ^{
            [stack shouldNotBeNil];

        it(@"allows me to count the item of stack", ^{
            [stack push:5];
            [[stack should] haveCountOf:1];

However, I am getting BAD_EXCESS with Expectations testing.I dont know why getting this error. All helps are welcomed here.

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It looks like you are trying to add an int to your NSMutableArray. You can only add objects to an NSArray, not primitive types. Try boxing in an NSNumber in your implementation of push::

- (void) push:(int)numberToPush {
    [ addObject:@(numberToPush)];
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