
I am using the R function segments and would like to know how I can draw "around" the segment (the contour), in say black.

segments(.9,.1,.8,.3, lwd=10, lend='square', col='pink')

Here I would get a black rectangle around the pink segment enter image description here

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You can draw it twice, first in black, large (lwd=12), then in pink, smaller (lwd=10).

segments(.9,.1,.8,.3, lwd=12, lend='square', col='black')
segments(.9,.1,.8,.3, lwd=10, lend='square', col='pink')


This is pretty messy, but I threw it together anyway.

draw.rect <- function(x1=0.9,y1=0.1,x2=0.8,y2=0.3,width=0.05){
  ang <- atan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))
  xshift <- width*sin(ang)
  yshift <- width*cos(ang)

It would allow you to use your same coordinates. You can adjust the size of the rectangle with the width argument. I think @VincentZoonekynd has a great idea with drawing the segment twice. This rough function does not center the rectangle on the coordinates provided, although you could pretty easily adjust it to do so.

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