
When I use the following test I get a WARNING:

WARNING: JMockit was initialized on demand, which may cause certain tests to fail; please check the documentation for better ways to get it initialized.

This is my test implemenation:

package test;

import static mockit.Mockit.*;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import mockit.*;
import mockit.integration.junit4.*;

import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runner.*;

import filip.ClassUnderTest;
import filip.LowerClass;

public class MockTest extends TestCase {

    @MockClass(realClass = LowerClass.class)
    public static class LowerClassMock {
        @Mock(invocations = 1)
        public String doWork() {
            return "Mockowanie dziala :D";

    public void setUp() { setUpMocks(LowerClassMock.class); }

    public void tearDown() { tearDownMocks(); }

    public void testJMockit() {
        ClassUnderTest classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest();



Any ideas?

Was it helpful?


As I understand it, this exception is thrown when one attempts to call a JMockit method, while JMockit has not been properly initialized.

Make sure you follow the JMockit installation instructions, especially points 3 and 4. If the JMockit jar comes after the JUnit jar in the classpath, it might cause problems.


The accepted answer has fallen a little out of date regarding the links so it's worth mentioning the various solutions directly.

To fix this problem do one of the following:

1 - Specifiy a javaagent

Add this to your JUnit execution environment (for your version):


2 - configure the Surefire plugin in Maven to avoid it

Add the following to your Maven configuration (choose your own versions)

<!-- JMockit must be before JUnit in the classpath -->
<!-- Standard unit testing -->

Ensure that your Surefire plugin is configured as follows (for your particular versions):


3 - Use the JUnit @RunWith annotation

Add this JUnit runner annotation on each and every test class

public class ExampleTest {}

In addition to Gary Rowe's solution:

A more robust (i.e. version and repository path agnostic) integration of JMockit into Surefire would be


To make this resolution work, the maven-dependency-plugin (version >= 2.5.1!) needs to be configured like this:


I simply added:


Which resolved the issue, as per the documentation in the accepted answer.

It still doesnt run for me in IntelliJ. I am able to run it command line though.

I setup a properties file in the classpath for easy configuration of Junit 5:

It MUST be named

junit.jupiter.extensions.autodetection.enabled = true
junit.jupiter.testinstance.lifecycle.default = per_class

Make sure you're using a newer version of Jmockit that has the JmockitExtension class. NOTE: Jmockit version 1.8 IS NOT newer than version 1.41. The 1.8 version should have been 1.08.

Maven Central reference:

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