
Suppose A follows 100 person,

then will need 100 join statement,

which is horrible for database I think.

Or there are other ways ?

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Why would you need 100 Joins?

You would have a simple table "Follows" with your ID and the other persons ID in it...

Then you retrieve the "Tweets" by joining something like this:

Select top 100 
inner join 
    followers on = tweet.AuthorID 
    followers.masterID = yourID

Now you just need a decent caching and make sure you use a non locking query and you have all information... (Well maybe add some userdata into the mix)



ID - tweetid
AuthorID - ID of the poster


MasterID - (Basically your ID)
FollowerID - (ID of the person following you)

The Followers table has a composite ID based on master and followerID It should have 2 indexes - one on "masterID - followerID" and one on "FollowerID and MasterID"


The real trick is to minimize your database usage (e.g., cache, cache, cache) and to understand usage patterns. In the specific case of Twitter, they use a bunch of different techniques from queuing, an insane amount of in-memory caching, and some really clever data flow optimizations. Give Scaling Twitter: Making Twitter 10000 percent faster and the other associated articles a read. Your question about how you implement "following" is to denormalize the data (precalculate and maintain join tables instead of performing joins on the fly) or don't use a database at all. <-- Make sure to read this!

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