
It was suggested that Effective Java is a great book to read before programming in C#. What gotchas should I be aware of since the book is not targeted for the .NET environment?

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Effective Java will help you learn good some software development practices but it won't help you with anything specifically related to .NET. It is a great book and there is much that can be learned by reading it regardless of your language of choice.

If you are looking to polish your C# code then you will probably be better off reading Bill Wagner's More Effective C#.

That being said, Joshua Bloch is a very smart individual and I would recommend his book to any developer. Also he is a fantastic speaker and many of his presentations can be found on YouTube.


Why not read a book specifically for c# 3.0 if that is the language you plan to target?

Reading books opens your mind to ideas no matter what language they use to show their examples. Having said that you should at least read another more C# focused book to learn how certain ideas are implemented in your language of choice.

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