
I have a question, we are converting 3.5 to 4.5 during this - we had many problems but now... we finally got it too load up now i am having strange behaviour in JSON responses from services they don't contain "d" anymore!

{d: "response from server"}

its now

{"response from server"}

which breaks javascript code for callback any idea? or explanation

No correct solution


The behavior has changed, because Microsoft switched from using the DataContractJsonSerializer to Json.NET (NewtonSoft).

If you want to name your variable when you return a result, you need to serialize it properly.

If you return a string you will get { "your string" } but if you return an object (or in 4.5 a Task of type dynamic or better yet Task of type 'Your Object') you will get your fully serialized object

return new { 
   result = "here is your result", 
   code  = "here is your code"
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