
I am creating a SharePoint 2010 feature in Visual Studio 2010.

While ReSharper is a valuable tool for writing code, it reports lots of errors (all server-relative image references, master page reference, ContentPlaceHolderID's referring to the master page and so on) in .aspx layout definitions. I had to exclude the master page from ReSharper completely, as it was hanging the VS process - however, the errors were reported before as well.

Is there a 'clever' way of configuring it to correctly parse those files?

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As mentioned earlier, R# has offers no support for SharePoint Application- and MasterPages. The issue is because SharePoint is using an other approach to reference assembies and because of the SharePoint specific implementation of the ASP.NET virtual path provider. So R# isn't able to locate all the required dependencies which are required to render an entire SharePoint site.

JetBrains will have to reproduce the SharePoint Designer behavior.



ReSharper 7 (still in beta) supports SharePoint now. ReSharper 7 understands SharePoint-specific master pages, resources, style sheets and JavaScript files.

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