
I'd like to be able to highlight the wrap margin/text width in vim by changing the background color (or maybe just a line?). A lot of IDEs have this. I mocked up what I'm talking about:

Anyone know if this can be done in macvim or gvim?

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Try this:

:match ErrorMsg '\%>80v.\+'

It will highlight text beyond 80 characters, you can replace '80' with whatever wrap-width you have. However, it will only highlight the characters that exceed the width, and then only on lines that are actually longer than the width.

Check for more info, but they all pretty much accomplish the same thing.


Since Vim 7.3 it's possible to have columns highlighted like this:

Screenshot of MacVim with highlighted column

To set it to the current textwidth:

:set cc=+1

Or you can set it to predefined value:

:set cc=80

You can change its color like this:

:hi ColorColumn ctermbg=lightgrey guibg=lightgrey

See help for more details:

:help colorcolumn
autocmd FileType * execute "setlocal colorcolumn=" . join(range(&textwidth,250), ',')
highlight ColorColumn guibg=#303030 ctermbg=0

Big problem with this is that the colorcolumn highlighting has higher priority then hlsearch! So basically you wont be able to see highlighted search items beyond that margin...

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