
I have two models

  1. Gallery
  2. Image

While deleting Gallery I want to delete the associated Image records ans images in directory and then delete Gallery object and directory .

The best choice seems to be onBeforeContentDelete trigger, for which I have to write a plugin. But do not want to go through all plugin creation steps.

Is it possible to delete this way ?

class SomePrefixModelGallery extends JModelAdmin
    public function __construct($config=array())

    public function onBeforeGalleryDelete($context,$table){
        if( $this->deleteAllImages()){
          return true;
         return false;

    public function deleteAllImages(){
       // get Image model and delete all images 

Going through JModelAdmin core class I can see that in config array event name could be passed e.g


The default event set is onBeforeContentDelete

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If it's your own component you can just override the delete method in your model, you don't need a plugin.

JModelAdmin has a delete() method, so in your Model:

class SomePrefixModelGallery extends JModelAdmin
      /* all the standard methods */

      * Method to delete one or more records.
      * @param   array  &$pks  An array of record primary keys.
      * @return  boolean  True if successful, false if an error occurs.
      * @since   11.1
     public function delete(&$pks)
        // Code to delete your image records

        // Code to delete your image files

        // Call the parent delete to remove the Gallery entry
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