
I'm using the jQuery toggleClass to add a class to a DIV when a button is clicked. When the class is added, the DIV is expanded to show all content in the DIV with height:auto;.

My problem arises when I click on a link that takes me to another page, and then hit the browser back button. When I return to the original page the class is no longer applied. Is there a way to keep that class applied throughout the person's visit, even if they visit another page and then hit the back button?

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Yes, you can store the toggle state in a cookie. For example there is a jquery plugin calles jquery cookie: After the page has been loaded, you can add or remove the class as it is stated in the cookie.


This worked for me: Having a cookie to keep the button pressed state, and a cookie to keep track wich button was actually pressed (for more than one button, check also which whas pressed)

var buttonpack;

	if( ($.cookie("ButtonPressedState") == 1) && ($.cookie("buttonCookie")=="buttonpack")) {
		 $('#'+$.cookie("buttonpack")).toggleClass("inputbutton:active active");
							} else {
 		  $(this).siblings().removeClass('inputbutton:active active');

$('.inputbutton').click(function () {
					$(this).toggleClass("inputbutton:active active");
					$(this).siblings().removeClass('inputbutton:active active');
						 ButtonId = $(this).attr('id'); 
						if(($('.inputbutton')).hasClass("inputbutton:active active")){

							$.cookie("ButtonPressedState", 1, {expires: 1, path:'/'});
							$.cookie("buttonId", buttonpack, {expires: 1, path:'/'});	
							$.cookie("ButtonPressedState", 0, {expires: 1, path:'/'});
							$.cookie("buttonpack", null, {expires: 1, path:'/'});

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