
Our jqGrid is working well - if we return > 1 row everything works.

But.. if we return just one row, the grid does not display any data and the nav bar says 1 of NaN. Very weird - any ideas??

This is the JSON being returned for the single row:


For two rows:


To load/reload the grid we have:

function reloadGrid(u, grid) {
  if (u!= null) {

  grid.setGridParam({page:'1', datatype:'json', loadonce:'true'}); 

And the grid itself:

datatype: 'json',
mtype: 'GET',
colNames:['Product', 'Type','Expiry', 'Put Call', 'Strike', 'Account','Long','Short', 'Open Qty', 'LTD', 'Operations'],
colModel :[
  {name:'product', index:'product', width:75},
  {name:'type', index:'type', width:50, align:'right'},
  {name:'expiry', index:'expiry', width:60, align:'right'},
  {name:'putCall', index:'putCall', width:65},
  {name:'strike', index:'strike', sorttype: 'float', width:70},
  {name:'account', index:'account', width:70},
  {name:'long', index:'long', sorttype: 'int', width:55, align:'right'},
  {name:'short', index:'short', sorttype: 'int', width:55, align:'right'},
  {name: 'openQty', index:'openQty', width:80, align:'center', sortable:false, search:false, formatter:closeoutFormatter},
  {name:'LTD', index:'LTD', width:65, align:'right'},
  {index:'operations', width:105, title:false, search:false, align: 'center', formatter:opsFormatter, sortable:false}
pager: '#pager',
scrollOffset:0, //No scrollbar
viewrecords: true ,
caption: 'Positions',
height: '360',
hidegrid: false //Don't show the expand/collapse button on the top right
beforeRefresh: function(){
    reloadPositionGrid();  //Required so that we go to the server and not reload local data
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Ok the JSON for 1 is not putting the rows in an ARRAY it is just putting one OBJECT

1 Row

{"":"", "rows":{"cell":["",""], "id": "111"}

2 Rows

{"":"", "rows":[{"cell":["",""], "id": "111"}, {"cell":["",""], "id": "222"}]}

The second JSON block has the rows in [{},{}]

Check your server-side code that is outputting the JSON.

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