
Say my web site is based on GPL code.

AFAIK providing a service to users through a web site - even a paid service - does not violate the GPL. This is because GPL is about distribution and I haven't delivered any code. I'm providing a service and may charge for it.

However, suppose I provide an API to my web site and charge money for usage of the API.

Can one argue that in effect I've just turned my web site into a piece of sofware which I've distributed by making it a part of external software applications, thus violating the GPL?

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Assuming no code gets sent out to users, it's not distribution. Understand, though, that if your code has client-side JS components, and those JS components are using GPLed code, then the code must be sent either unobfuscated/unminified, or have an accompanying link to the corresponding source (unobfuscated/unminified) version.


  1. I'll refer you to an article discussing SaaS and GPL:

  2. Get a lawyer and ask. There may be options, but you can't afford to get it wrong and the devil is truly in the details.

Basically, GPL3 won't allow you to do what you're looking for. It's terribly counterproductive, but there it is.

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