
I frequently had this problem and didn't find a solution yet: Whenever I write a new Eclipse RCP based application and include plugins from the Eclipse platform, I 'inherit' UI contributions from some of those plugins.

Most of this contributions (menu entries, keyboard shortcuts, property pages) are useful but sometimes I'd rather disabled some of these contributions, just because I really do not need them and they might confuse the users.

Does anyone know of the official or a practical way to disable/prohibit selected contributions in Eclipse RCP applications?


The only method which comes close to do that would be:


Paul Webster has been calling for a IMenuService::addOverride() to change the visibility of the menu, preventing any contribution, but that idea has not been integrated yet.

You can see an example of removing a contribution in this org.eclipse.ui.tests.menus.MenuBuilder class;

public static void removeMenuContribution() {
    if (!PlatformUI.isWorkbenchRunning()) {
    IMenuService menuService = (IMenuService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench()
    if (menuService==null) {
    viewMenuAddition = null;
    viewMenuAddition = null;

Equinox transformations can also be used to supply XLST transformations that remove unwanted UI contributions.

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