CruiseControl.Net (CC.Net) - Change made to existing .xml files to assist ccnet config doesn't load for email publishers


  •  26-06-2022
  •  | 


As part of my new role I've been given at work, I have a CC.Net build server that has multiple project configured in a way that the main ccnet config file references xml files for each individual project and each holds the steps/script to build that project.

I tried to add a couple of new email addresses following exactly the same syntax for the already present email addresses using new lines, but when I stop and start the service and build that project from the dashboard, the emails are still not sent to these email addresses. These new email addresses should gets email being set as buildmaster roles in either case of failure or successful builds. The old email addresses that were already there are still getting the emails.

Seems like a matter of the new changes not being loaded onto SOS!

Here is a sample of the code block:

<email mailport="25" includeDetails="TRUE"  useSSL="FALSE">
 <user name="xxxx" group="buildmaster" address=""/>
 <user name="xxxx" group="buildmaster" address=""/>
 <user name="xxxx" group="buildmaster" address=""/>
 <user name="xxxx" group="buildmaster" address=""/>
 <group name="developers">
     <group name="buildmaster">
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Double check the location of your CC.NET config file. It's not always pointing where you think it is.


//in a way that the main ccnet config file references xml files for each individual project//

When you change a "sub file", it is not picked up by the filewatcher.

  1. Change the subfile (as you have done).
  2. Add a carriage return or a space or a comment (or ~something~) to the ccnet.config file. (Essentially no changes, but you are resaving it).

This will trigger the filewatcher (on the ccnet.config file)......which will re-read the "subfile".

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