
I am using a class which returns me the value of a particular row and cell of an excel spreadsheet. To build up an array of one column I am counting the rows and then looping through that number with a for() loop and then using the $array[] = $value to set the incrementing array object's value.

This works great if none of the values in a cell are 0. The class returns me a number 0 so it's nothing to do with the class, I think it's the way I am looping through the rows and then assigning them to the array... I want to carry through the 0 value because I am creating graphs with the data afterwards, here is the code I have.

// Get Rainfall
$rainfall = array();
    if($data->val($i,2) != 'Rainfall') // Check if not the column title
        $rainfall[] = $data->val($i,2);

For your info $data is the excel spreadsheet object and the method $data->val(row,col) is what returns me the value. In this case I am getting data from column 2.

Screenshot of spreadsheet

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Did you try an array_push() ?

array_push($rainfall, $data->val($i,2));


I would use a strict comparison with the not identical operator here instead of using the not equals operator:

if($data->val($i,2) !== 'Rainfall')

If $data->val($i,2) is an integer and you use == both sides will be cast to integers which would give you the result that all integers would work as you expect except for zero. Here's a summary of the difference between == and === when comparing the string "RainFall" with zero:

0 == "RainFall" : true
0 != "RainFall" : false
0 === "RainFall" : false
0 !== "RainFall" : true

I think that the array is treating the 0 like false, which could explain it not going into the array. Would something like this work (if you are using integers)?




The problem lies in the if statement. You're trying to compare a string with an integer, which according to the PHP documentation will typecast both to integers.

If you compare a number with a string or the comparison involves numerical strings, then each string is converted to a number and the comparison performed numerically. These rules also apply to the switch statement. The type conversion does not take place when the comparison is === or !== as this involves comparing the type as well as the value.

You can read more here

Update: The if statement won't work in the case of 0 because (int)"Rainfall" will by typecasted into 0 by PHP causing the statement to be if (0 != 0) { ... }.

If $i represents the row number, why don't you start from 2 instead of 1?

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